Clarification of how to restart web services
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
We'd like to know, how and in what order do we restart apache and/or the web server in the util menus, and on what server(s) with which accounts?
On lib-aleph1, I can restart the Aleph web server as the aleph user in the menu system, but cannot start the apache service. I can restart the apache service with apachectl as the exlibris user, but I cannot access the util menus with that username
On lib-web1, I can login as the aleph user, but there's no library to change to to run the util menus. I can restart apache with apachectl as the exlibris user.
lib-web1 has just apache running on it. lib-aleph1 does *not* have apache running on it.
To restart the www_server, you would log on to lib-aleph1 as "aleph" and do util w/3/1 .
To restart apache, since the HTTPD_PORT is 80, which is <1024, you need to log on to lib-web1 as root -- or su - root -- and then do apachectl.
Usually you start the apache first, but they can be started in either order.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013