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    Clarification of my understanding of the final steps to STP

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    This is a request for clarification on a couple of things as I plan for STP;
    My plan is to do the STP during the December break, i.e., so that the colleges will be on R20 when they come back in January.

    1. On release levels.
    I am assuming that I can't run the next set of updates (service packs) into the R20 installation until AFTER I have basically done STP, i.e., my current R20 version shouldn't change now until I complete all the upgrade steps for the final time.
    I notice that the next set of updates to R20 has a change to the client that seems to be a significant. The documentation says the client has to be re-installed. I will be asking the colleges to install the R20 client, either just before the December break or on their first day back. I would like to avoid having to re-install all those clients (100's) so soon. In many cases, because of the new State security rules, IT staff have to do the installs and it is difficult to schedule that work. Is there any way I can release a client that includes the changes anticipated in the next set of updates?

    2. Final database load.
    I guess the bottom line question is, which is not completely clear to me in the documentation, when I do the database upgrade steps, can I assume, that those steps (steps > 999) don’t touch files in the /Exlibris/u20_1/ area? (Except maybe to write some logs or reports in some of the scratch space.) And, as a result, I can assume the many changes I have within U20_1 there are not going to be overwritten.

    1. On Release levels ... We suggest applying the v20 Service Packs to your test v20 instance prior to STP. This will serve three purposes:

    (a) you will be assured that there are no problems with the Service Pack installation,

    (b) you can test to make sure that the system works OK with the Service Packs; and

    (c) any updates to the Aleph tables (u-tree), which you will be copying over to Prod, as a result of the Service Packs will already be in place.

    You will need to run the Service Packs again on Prod, post-STP, but the u-tree changes will already be made, so it should be *very* quick.

    > Is there any way I can release a client that includes the changes anticipated in the next set of updates?

    <<js If you apply all the Service Packs to Test, then you will have a client which is up-to-date through the current (Nov. 2010) Service Pack. You can then package this client and send it to your users where it can sit until the v20 STP.

    > 2. Final database load.

    <<js That is correct. The > 999 steps are generally working on the Oracle data only. The only exception is updates to the libraries' ($data_root) file_list's -- for tables new in v19/v20. See, for example, the ./source/1013 step. But I do not think that the fact that the correct entries already exist in the file_list will cause any problem.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013