Closed days not excluded from loan period calculation
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The loan periods defined in tab16 are not correctly calculated according to the open days listed in tab17.
For example, an item loaned out today (June 11) to a patron status 01 should be lent for 21 working (open) days, which when taking into account closed days listed in tab17 should bring the due date to July 17. Instead the due date is July 5. I am not sure where the discrepancy is. Any help would be appreciated.
There is no way to have the system exclude the Closed days in tab17 in calculating the due date. The Closed days in tab17 have to do with what days a book can **come due on**: If the loan is for 21 days and the library is closed on Friday, July 2 - Sunday, July 4, then the book will be due on the following Monday (July 5) instead.
Similarly, the tab16 col. 14 "Fine Method" pertains only to the calculation of fines. If you specify Open Days, then it will exclude the Closed days in calculating the fine.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013