Closing order changes
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We are attempting to complete an order record that was a vendor cancellation. Acquisitions first changes the order status to VC. Then they update the order record, but Aleph changes the status to CLS when the order is saved. This only appears to be affecting items with the "Invoice Status 'Complete'" checked.
If the following 3 conditions are met:
1) Invoice Status on order is "Complete"
2) Arrival Status on Order record is "Complete"
3) The Payment Status on the General Invoice assoicated with the Order is set to "P"
Aleph automatically sets the Order Status to CLS. If you want to keep the Order status as VC (Vendor Cancelled), you will have to change one of the 3 conditiions listed above.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013