Closing serial orders in batch
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Is there is an Aleph batch service which closes serial orders and subscriptions? Over 1000 serial order records need to be closed. The acq-28 process updates the order status to "closed," but the following also need to be done:
1) Update the "To date" on the "subscription info" tab for the serial subscription.
2) Remove any action dates that would generate claims from the subscription order log.
Though the acq-27 service closes orders and related subscriptions and opens new orders and subscriptions, there is no service which just *closes* the subscriptions (and removes action dates from the order log) and doesn't open new ones.
This would need to be done using SQL.
Additional Information
KB 16384-49825 addresses the connection between the HOL record and the subscription.
Category: Acquisitions (500)
Subject: Services (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013