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    Compare Primo Loan History to Aleph Circulation Log


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    Does the method used to query Aleph loans for the Primo OPAC via Primo Loan History display differ from the method used to determine the Aleph GUI Circulation module's Circulation Log returns list?


    The Aleph Circulation Log displays content from the Circulation Logger (Z309) Oracle table;  the patron's loan history in Primo is coming from the z36h (loan history) records (-- via the Aleph dlf_pat_loan_list program).
    Since the Circulation Log neither displays Due Date nor provides an alternative sort option, there is no way to sort the Circulation Log to match the DLF retrieval.


    Additional Info
    * There is no relation between the period covered by the Aleph Loan History table (Z36H) and the Circulation Log table (Z309). If the following log transactions are recorded in the Z309, then selecting these types and clicking the Filter button in the Circulation Log should approximate the entries for a specific patron in the Z36H table when they are sorted by Z36H_TIME field, descending.
    * * Regular return
    * * Late return
    * * Late recall return
    * * Late return within grace period
    * * Loan Deleted
    * * Offline Circulation Return should not be included. Each of these Offline entries is paired with a “Regular Return” log entry, so to include this would be redundant. 

    * The /tab/tab_circ_log.lng table is used to configure which events will be logged by the Circulation Logger and which events can be manually added to the logger.

    * The Aleph GUI Circ > tab > circ.ini file on the PC contains a [Loan] > LogSize variable and another one under [Return]. This is not related. It is the log size of the "Loan History" list that displays in the Loan (Return) tab. It defaults to 300.


    • Article last edited: 28-Feb-2016
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