Correct cash charge for status nn patron incorrectly persists for other patrons
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
In tab18.lng we have the following:
! 61: Externes, inscription nouveau lecteur $150 par ann?e, re-inscription $150 par ann?e
0023 ##### 61 Y 150.0 Nouveau lecteur externe $150.00
0022 ##### 61 Y 150.0 R?-inscription lecteur externe $150.00
But we have three examples of patrons whose accounts were renewed who do not have patron status 61 and who were charged $150:
ID507435 (05), ID471119 (07), ID491574 (17)
Note: The account renewals for these other patrons occurred after the renewal of the patron status 61 patron.
Though the program is failing to (internally) reinitialize the tab18 it has retrieved, you can work around this by adding the following two lines to the end of tab18.eng:
0023 ##### ## N
0022 ##### ## N
For patrons with other statuses (not 61), the program will find these lines and not create the cash.
Please add the two lines shown above and restart the pc_server.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013