Count of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-02)" vs "Report of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-03)"
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
Running "Count of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-02)" doesn't give an accurate result of newly cataloged and updated records.
The more reliable service is "Report of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-03)" which was created because of inexact results when counting with "Count of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-02)". com-02 is using a SQL query whereas com-03 is counting the CAT field in z106 record. So our suggestion is to use com-03 for counting instead.
Additional information
This is how com-02 operates....
The $aleph_proc/p_com_02 procedure uses ./alephm/sql_stat/util_s_01_23.sql to create two files of bib record keys:
These files are run through the b_com_02_a program to include the Cataloger name and the date, generating the output files:
These files are then sorted to create a united file, $data_scratch/util_s_01_23.unite .
If a record number is in both the util_s_01_23.open2 file and the util_s_01_23.update2 file, then only the entry from the util_s_01_23.open2 file is included in the resulting util_s_01_23.unite file. This happens because the sort is including only columns 1-67. The byte indicating new/"open" ("O") or update ("U") is column 68.
Also, if there are multiple updates by the same Cataloger on the same date, only one is counted.
Category: Cataloging (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Services - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 26-May-2016