Course Doc List does not show documents linked to courses
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Our production server was just upgraded from Aleph 16 to Aleph 20 last week. We had many courses and documents in our ABC30 in Aleph 16.
Now in Aleph 20, we can't see documents that were linked to courses under Aleph 16.
If we click on the Search button in the Course Doc List in the Admin tab in Circ GUI, choose ABC30, and type in any keyword, it says "Error parsing find request".
We tried to enter a document from scratch, for Course RELT568A Martin, Carlos. "How to Think About the End of Time". It does show up in the Course Doc List, the Bib Info tab shows raw XML code., and the Attached to Courses tab is blank.
When I click on the Catalog button while on the above Course Doc List item, it brings up Cataloging GUI, shows the Transfer File window, then crashes. Granted, I did not give my user the 'new' permissions listed in the Course Reserves documentation, but I would think that it would at least tell me 'Permissions needed' or something like that. My user is a member of an admin group that had admin rights in Aleph 16.
As described in Section 8.3 of the "Upgrade Express 18.01 to 19.01 User Guide", after the upgrade you need to run the p_manage_05, p_manage_01, p_manage_02, p_manage_07, and p_manage_12 jobs for the xxx30 library.
I have run these for abc30. CR in the GUI is OK now.
There are other post-upgrade steps for CR in the OPAC (also in section 8.3) which you should check.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013