Course not displaying in reserves opac
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
On our production server, we have a course that was added to XXX30 at one of our sublibrary location that is not displaying in the course reserve OPAC. The course is listed for Fall 2005 and Summer 2005.
I cannot see any problem with the items as they are listed in the CR interface or for them when I view by system number in the UTIL f_04. We have completely reindexed to no avail. The course is ARCH-61011-01, Introduction to Drawing. A sample system number for this course is 000011588-NDU30 - One thought I had: Does the order of display of the active semester matter to the indexing? In this case, the Fall semester is in subfield 1 and the summer is in $$2. It probably doesn't matter to the filter we have in place for the base, does it?
The CNO-6 field in the record looks like this:
CNO-6 $$1Fall $$2Summer
The tab11_word entry for CNO-6 looks like this:
CNO#6 1 -*na* 1 01 WPE WRD
The second "1" is in column 5. This specifies that only subfield "1" is to be indexed. Since "Summer" is in subfield 2, it will not be included. You need to change column 5 to blank. That way, all of the CNO-6 subfields will be indexed.
Additional Information
indexing course reading
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013