Course reading overdue notices
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Is there anything we can do to produce updated overdue notices during the day for our short-term circulation items, such as course reading?
The p_cir_5n overdue notice programs only give you items which were due yesterday or earlier -- not today.
The following sql procedure looks for items circulated today whose due time has passed:
set echo off
set pause off
set term off
set show off
set feed off
set verify off
set heading off
set pagesize 58
spool reservedue.outfile
select z36_id, z303_name, substr(z36_rec_key,1,9) || '-' || substr(z36_rec_key,10,6), Z36_DUE_HOUR, z13_title from z36, usr00.z303, usm01.z13 where z36_loan_date = TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD') and to_char(sysdate, 'HH24MI') > Z36_DUE_HOUR and substr(z36_rec_key,1,9) = z13_rec_key and z36_id = z303_rec_key order by z36_id, Z36_DUE_HOUR;
spool off;
<end sql file>
You need to substitute your $usr_library for "usr00" and your bib library for "usm01".
You should *not* substitute values in "YYYYMMDD" and "HH24MI". They are system variables: the date/time format into which SQL places the current date/time.]
To execute it you do:
> s+ abc50
SQL-ABC50> @reservedue
It produces a file "reservedue.outfile".
If it seems that this would be of use, it could be set up in the job_list.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013