Diagnosing "This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to..." message
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local;
Desired Outcome Goal:
"This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to -" message does not occur when loaning items for a particular sublibrary on a particular PC.
1. Confirm pc's IP address: On the pc do: Start (lower left corner) --> Run --> type "cmd" and click OK --> type "ipconfig" and press Enter. If different than expected, add an entry for it to the xxx50 tab_attr_sub_library.
2. Is there another similar pc which *is* able to loan items to this sublibrary? If so, make sure the problem pc has the same xxx50 tab_attr_sub_library entry as the good one. If the same and still have the problem....
3. Bring up GUI Circ
4. Click on the key on the lower right
5. Click on "Set Workstation Identifier"
6. Specify an identifier (either an existing one or a new one)
7. If a new one, create an entry for it in tab_attr_sub_library, specifying the Workstation ID in column 1
8. If tab_attr_sub_library was changed, restart the pc_server
9. Restart the pc's Circ client
10.Test loan of item
Additional Information
In one case the site had exceeded the 6,000-line-limit to tab_attr_sub_library and the entry in question was beyond line 6,000 and was being omitted.
See also:
Article 34185 ("Accessing server via GUI without use of IP address")
Article 33467 ("This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to -" *MASTER RECORD*)
Category: Circulation
Subject: Loans (500)
- Article last edited: 7/28/2014