Disabling the pop-up message when you return an item that is not on loan
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Is there a way to turn off the message that pops up when you return an item that is not loaned out? The message text is coming from the message.dat file in the client. If an item is checked out to a patron, the system doesn't let you know that it needs to be returned, so we just "return" items instead. For in-house use statistics, we get counts of event type 82 (Return of Item Not on Loan). Workflow is interrupted, when staff have to acknowledge with a Return or Mouse click, the "Item not on Loan" message.
Within the circulation client there is a way to turn off this pop-up message however it doesn't differentiate in-house returns from regular returns ('all-or-nothing'). Go to ALEPH/Options/Set up Return Options/ and make sure that the Display "Item is not on Loan" Message checkbox is unchecked. Note that this setting is at the PC level so all Circ workstations would need to have this turned off to avoid confusion.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013