Display of ambiguous headings in authority lib lacks space between $$a and $$7
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I have made the table changes necessary in our Test region to bring the $$7 into authority records with ambiguous headings. We have not run p_manage_16 and p_manage_17, but I did save a number of records to the server to check functionality. All looks good with one exception. In the authority library, when a heading with an attached $$7 in the index list is displayed, there is no space between the 4xx heading and the $$7. For example: ALA $$7 American Library Association displays as ALAAmerican Library Association.
The formatting of the headings display in the authority library is controlled by the ./xxx10/edit_field.eng.
There is no specific entry in this table for "GEN", so it is using the default formatting:
1 # ##### # -wz29
2 v A ^--^
2 x A ^--^
2 y A ^--^
2 z A ^--^
2 # A
The subfields "a" and "7" are not listed specifically, so it is using the default entry:
2 # A
I suggest that this default subfield line be changed to:
2 # A ^
The effect of this will be that subfields not otherwise specified will be preceded by a space when they are displayed.
{Note: The default entry in the bib library (usm01 and abc01) edit_field.eng *does* have the "^" in column 9.}
You will need to restart the pc_server to make this change take effect.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013