Display of field 264c in Brief format (www_tab_short.lng)
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
Problem Symptoms:
In xxx01/tab/www_tab_short.eng, the line below results in only the $c of the 260 being displayed on Brief Results, but nothing being displayed when a 264 is present:
4 L Year 01---D02---A 00 00 U ## c260# c264#
Could you advise me how to display the 264$c on Brief Results?
Missing virtual field c264
1. Add 264c to $data_tab/tab_expand_extract:
260## c c260#
264## c c264# <<< add field
2. Restart WWW Server
UTIL W/3/1
- Article last edited: 15-May-2016