Display of Due Date in Aleph ("After Recall ...")
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The Date Due for a checked out item, under "availability" in Aleph holdings, displays as (e.g.):
03/19/10 - After Recall: 12/09/09
In Aleph 18, this would display simply as:
To eliminate the "After Recall: mm/dd/yy":
> cp -p $aleph_root/error_eng/format_due_date $alephe_root/error_eng/format_due_date
and then make the following change in the $alephe_root/error_eng/format_due_date. Change:
0110 0000 L $1 - After Recall: $2
0110 0000 L $1
And then restart the www_server.
[The "After Recall" is intended to indicate to patrons what the "estimated" due-date would be if they *were* to place a recall.)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013