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    Due date for 2 hour reserve material when loaned close to closing time

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.5

    Is there any way to set up a due date for 2 hour reserves in ALEPH within an hour of closing so they are due back the following morning?
    Or, is the only way to extend the due date beyond midnight with the change due dates of current loans?

    In version 16.02 and earlier:

    If the loan would be due after midnight, then the system pushes the due-date/time to the next day.
    But if the loan would be due before midnight -- even if it is after the Closing time --, then it is *not* pushed to the next day. (It is due at Closing time on the same day.)


    The Reserve items have a 2-hour loan period.

    The Closing time on Saturday is 20:00. An item checked out at 19:00 will be due at the Closing time (20:00).

    The Closing time on Wednesday is midnight (24:00). An item checked out at 23:00 will be due the next morning.

    With version 17, column 27 ("Adjust Due Date and Hour") is added to tab16:

    ! When calculating the due date:
    ! 0 - Adjust a due hour which is after closing time to the closing
    ! time (if the due date is an open day), or to the closing time
    ! of the NEXT open day (if the due date is a closed day).
    ! 1 - Adjust a due hour which is after closing time to the closing
    ! time (if the due date is an open day), or to the closing time
    ! of the PREVIOUS open day (if the due date is a closed day).
    ! 2 - Do NOT adjust due hour if the due date is an open day; if
    ! the due date is a closed day, find the NEXT open day. This
    ! is the default value in case tab16 cannot be read or this
    ! column has an invalid value (i.e. other than 0, 1, 2 or 3).
    ! 3 - Adjust a due hour which is after closing time to the NEXT
    ! open day's opening hour.
    ! In any setting, if the due hour is EARLIER than the opening hour,
    ! it is adjusted to the opening hour.;

    Additional Information

    loans, closing time

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013