Editing LDR Records Did Not Update the FMT Contents
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The tab_fix has "fix_doc_create_fmt" which creates the FMT tags based on the LDR field.
However, when the LDR field, position 06, is updated to another format, the FMT tag is NOT updated automatically with the new format.
Is there a way (fix) to update the FMT tag when LDR field changes?
There is no way to automate the update of the FMT field in response to the LDR change. The fix_doc_create_fmt fix only works for records that have no FMT tag, such as incoming Z39 records.
The good news is that there is a check which provides a message when the 06 position on the LDR field does not match the FMT: check_doc_field_ldr.
For the fixed-length validation checks to be functional, the check_doc_line program must be listed in the check_doc table located in the library's tab directory.
Your current settings in check_doc cause this check to be performed at the following times:
CATALOG-INSERT = performed when the cataloging record is saved, updated or when the Check Record option is selected from the Cataloging module.
Z39-INSERT = performed when a record is inserted via Z39.50 ES Update.
Z39-REPLACE = performed when a record is replaced via Z39.50 ES Update.
P-MANAGE-25 = performed when p_manage_25 (Fix and Check Catalog Records ) is run.
The catalogers should check these settings to see if they result in the desired warnings:
! 2 3 4 5 6 7
BK 006 1 at
2 bn
CF 006 1 m
MP 006 1 ef
2 b
MU 006 1 cdij
2 b
SE 006 1 at
2 b
VM 006 1 gkor
2 bn
MX 006 1 p
2 bn
For example, for format BK, position 006's valid content is "a" or "t"; "b" and "n" are obsolete values.
There is a note mentioning commas to separate values (such as "b" and "n"), but these are not necessary when the referenced value is only 1 character as these are.
The message associated with the check_field functions (LDR, 006, 007, 008, etc.) is in the $aleph_error_eng/check_doc file, message 7010.
7010 L $1/$2: invalid value $3.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013