Error (match_doc_gen): z11 filing key is SPACES for code "020"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Problem Symptoms:
The following error message appears in the log file of the Service "Check Input File Against Database" (manage-36) :
Error (match_doc_gen) : z11 filing key is SPACES for
code "020 "
text " "
An empty filing key was built because the tab11_ind didn't have proper setting. For example, the ISBN existed in subfield "z", but 020## z was not first in tab11_ind.
The ./xxx01/tab/tab11_ind had the following:
020## ISBN a
020## ISBN z
1. Change ./xxx01/tab/tab11_ind to:
020## ISBN az
2. Restart the PC server (util w 3/3)
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Table configuration
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013