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    Error message 'illegal base definition' when invoking CTRL F3 (or browse list)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23



    Connect to cataloguing module (XXX01)
    Retrieve a BIB record
    Click on the 100 field
    Press CTRL+F3

    Error message 'illegal base definition - XXX12'

    This message may also occur before the authorities browse list opens. (It says "Aleph GUI" over the top, then "Illegal Base Definition - XXX12.")

    This is occurring on some clients and not others.



    This message occurs for the CTRL+F3 because there is a line for the XXX12 library in the xxx01 tab_locate file on the server, but there is no corresponding entry for XXX12 in the searbase.dat file on the PC.

    Similarly, the message can occur in the authorities browse if there's a reference to XXX12 in the ./xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/scancode.dat, but no corresponding entry for XXX12 in the searbase.dat file on the PC.

    If you want to be able search the xxx12 library, then add the entry for it to searbase.dat.

    If you are getting this message when trying to *remove* the xxx12 library, then you need to delete all references to xxx12 from the xxx01 $data_tab and the ./pc_tab/catalog/ .

    Note: if you change the files in pc_tab/catalog then you must run UTIL M/7 to repackage the changes.

    Additional Information

    illegal base definition CTRL+F3

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013