Ex Libris and the Google Book Search API
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Does Ex Libris have an agreement or Memorandum of Understanding with Google in terms of the Google Book Search API?
Ex Libris has not signed any sort of special agreement with Google re: use of this API.
This question was raised in the open session at ELUNA and Ex Libris staff responded: the API published by Google opens access to all these enriching features to the world - but also within the API is the ability to ‘turn off’ the book covers if the library is uncomfortable with their use in this context for any reason. It is therefore up to individual customers to determine whether they wish to use this integration option, and if so, whether to display the book covers or not. Ex Libris is not in a position to provide any guarantees as to the legal situation.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013