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    Expired Patron Address Means No Patron Address in Patron Notices?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    From Version 16.02 Release Notes on Circulation, 41. Patron Address Records in Printouts
    Until now, when sending a letter to the patron, the system first looked for a valid address record of type 02. If no such record was found, the system looked for a valid address record of type 01. If no such record was found, no address was printed on the letter to the patron.
    Now, when no valid record is found (either type 02 or type 01), the system uses the address record with the highest sequence number. This way letters sent to the patron always have an address.

    This is not working for us, when a patron's address has expired, no address is printed on the letter. Is there something we need to do to change this behavior?"
    I have checked their patron money due reports and do find that there are no patron addresses in patron notices where the patron address has expired. What needs to be done to fix this so the v16 functionality, as described in the v16 Release Notes, works?

    Address 01 is created when a new patron is created. It always contains, at least, the patron’s name
    The system will use whatever Address is currently active (according to the address dates).

    Some Scenarios:
    Both 02 and 01 are valid = address 02
    Neither 02 nor 01 (nor any other) are valid = address 01
    01 does not exist and there is no other valid address = NO ADDRESS
    Both 02 and a higher number are valid = address 02

    This is in line with the documentation, although the documentation does not cover all possible scenarios.

    In v18, the default address can be set in tab100 (DEFAULT-ADDRESS).
    Values: Default: 01 030
    Variable format - TT DDD, e.g. 01 060; it is used for ADM libraries who do not use tab_bor_address.
    TT - Two digits representing the default patron address Type (detailed in pc_tab_exp_field.eng, section USER_ADDRESS_TYPE)
    DDD - A three digit number, representing the number of days for which the default address is to be valid after its creation date. Setting this variable to 999 is interpreted as valid forever.

    Additional Information

    forms, printing

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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