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    Exporting bib records with holdings

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is there a way to export Bib and Holdings data together?

    I found the information on how to export bib data ("How to Export Bib Records for Processing.pdf), and am guessing that the Holdings information is added using some expand routines. But, if you can point me to specific information in this regard, that would be appreciated.

    You would run p_print_03 in the bib library, specifying the expand_doc_bib_hol_usm as a routine to be executed.

    PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_hol_usm

    There are two other procedures, p_export_01 and p_export_02, which can be used to export Holdings information. These procedures were created to export the holdings for a particular sublibrary when there is just a single ADM and the holdings of different libraries are represented as separate sublibraries within that ADM.

    My experience has been that p_print_03, operating on an appropriately selected set of records, will give you what you want.

    The GUI Services Help for each of the above jobs has additional information.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013