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    Failed to connect to aleph20 after AIK

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    At the end of the Aleph installation via AIK we see in step 6.2 (Post installation tasks / Add TableSpaces and DataFiles) the following error message:
    Error: Failed to connect to aleph20

    Also we see a lot of the following error messages in different AIK logfiles:
    put_ora_passwd: creat: Permission denied

    In this case there was already an Aleph 18-installation (done by Ex Libris Germany) on the same server using user m181. Only this user has write permission in directory ora_aleph (commonly used by both Aleph installations):

    >ls -al /exlibris/aleph/ora_aleph
    total 12
    drwxr-xr-x 2 m181 exlibris 4096 Dec 15 2006 ./
    drwxrwxr-x 9 m181 exlibris 4096 Feb 28 16:21 ../
    -r-------- 1 m181 exlibris 2816 Nov 3 12:42 ora_passwd_aleph0

    User m181 (from Aleph 18) has a different uid from user aleph (from Aleph 20):

    >id m181
    uid=501(m181) gid=501(exlibris) groups=501(exlibris)
    >id aleph
    uid=201(aleph) gid=501(exlibris) groups=501(exlibris)

    In order to solve this problem user aleph should get the same user id asuser m181.

    Step 1:
    As root user give user aleph the same id than user m181 (in above example user id 501):
    #usermod -u 501 -o aleph

    Step 2:
    Now reassign the ownership of the files owned by previous uid of user aleph (in above example user id 201) back to user aleph:
    # cd /exlibris/aleph
    # find a20_1 u20_1 ora_aleph -user 201 -exec chown aleph '{}' \;
    # find /exlibris/product -user 201 -exec chown aleph '{}' \;

    Note: Aleph 18-installations done by other offices usually do not have this problem.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013