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    Fine not being calculated properly when grace period has expired

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    Why is a sublibrary STARS overnight item is generating a $2 fine when it should be $1?

    The item is due on 20140310 (Monday) at 0800 (grace period is until 0900). The item is returned (overdue) on 20140310 (Monday) at 0906. The library is closed on Sunday. The fine generated is $2. The fine should be $1.

    In contrast, at sublibrary STARM, an item is due on 20140310 (Monday) at 0830 (different opening time but grace period is until 0900). The item is returned (overdue) on 20140310 (Monday) at 0906. The library is closed on Sunday. The fine generated is $1. This is a correct calculation.


    Once the grace period has expired, the overdue fine is assessed for the entire overdue period, i.e. when an item is returned after the grace period has expired, the overdue fine is assessed/calculated from the actual due time to the time item is returned.

    In the STARM case the item is due at 8:30 and returned at 9:06. (There is a 30 minute grace period so the return occurs after the end of the grace period.) The item is 36 minutes overdue. The fine is $1.00 for each hour. Therefore, the fine is $1.00.

    In the STARS case the item is due at 8:00 and returned at 9:06. (There is a 60 minute grace period so the return occurs after the end of the grace period.) The item is 66 minutes overdue. The fine is $1.00 for each hour. Therefore, the fine is $2.00.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    • Article last edited: 7/3/2014
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