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    Fines Calculated on Items Renewed But Not Overdue

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    There are 6 items for this patron (21585001509160) that were due on 28 Jun. They were renewed on 28 Jun at 6:35 PM. A 0.25 fine was calculated on each item. The fine should NOT have calculated as the items were not overdue.

    When searching through the 6 items, I didn't find an actual due time present so I'm guessing that once the library opened on 28 Jun, the fine was automatically assessed. The 6 items are the only charges in the cash history.

    Why would the due time be missing?

    We see there that the due-hour for these is 0000. (Bytes 79-82 of the z31_key contain the due-hour).

    Based on your tab16 loans should not have a due-time of 0000.

    This SQL shows that there are 90 items which have 0000:
    SQL-XXX50> select count(*) from z36 where z36_due_hour = '0000';

    We found that most of these have been created in the conversion to ALEPH, but some *have* been created post-conversion.

    I find that all of these are renewals:
    SQL-XXX50> select Z36_DUE_DATE, Z36_NO_RENEWAL from z36 where z36_due_hour = '0000' and Z36_DUE_DATE > '20050201';

    When the Change Date function is used (instead of the regular renewal) the operator has the option of setting the time, in addition to the date.
    This seems to be the the source of these anomalies.

    Additional Information

    due date, fines

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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