Fines for Closing Days
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Tab 17 has been modified to show closed days for October 30-31 and November 03.
From util/f/2/8, the days for the sublibrary ABCML are shown as closed. The util a/17/1 routine was run to ensure the immediate application of the changes. However patrons are still being charged fines for these closed days.
Could you have a look and indicate what I might be doing wrong.
Attached is a file showing the fines being applied. This file was created from within the Util, but it is a reflection of what is happening from within the Circulation GUI.
The uf_08_a program which produces the util f/2/8 display reads the xxx50 tab17; it does not read the z301 -- as the circ programs and util f/2/9 and util f/2/10 do. Therefore, if the z301 is not yet in synch with tab17, we can see this result.
When util a/17/1 has been run for the z301 in xxx50, the xxx50 $data_scratch should show a file like this:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 149 Nov 4 22:51 create_ora_tables_z301
Looking at the ABC50 $data_scratch, I don't see any such file.
Please try this again tomorrow. The first circ transaction tomorrow should automatically cause a new z301 to be written. Or you can try the util a/17/1 again.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013