Getting duplicated zip code in the address on overdue-summary notice
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
After running p-circ-51 in Circulation for the patron overdue notices we are noticing that the zip code is appearing in the street address line as well as the city-state line.
The same information is displaying this way in the Circulation Loan screen.
The p-circ-51 appears to be pulling the information from the Circ Loan screen in to the data for the letter.
Please advise on how to correct this.
It seems you changed this section to correct the letter layout in your abc01/form_eng/global.trn file:
z302-address-0 TEXT S z302-zip z302-address-1
z302-address-1 TEXT S z302-zip z302-address-2
z302-address-2 TEXT S z302-zip z302-address-3
z302-address-3 TEXT S z302-zip z302-address-4
z302-address-4 TEXT S z302-zip
z302-zip TEXT S
While the layout in the patron loan tab is controlled by this section:
z304-address-0 AP-ZIP-USA S z304-zip z304-address-1
z304-address-1 AP-ZIP-USA S z304-zip z304-address-2
z304-address-2 AP-ZIP-USA S z304-zip z304-address-3
z304-address-3 AP-ZIP-USA S z304-zip z304-address-4
z304-address-4 AP-ZIP-USA S z304-zip
z304-zip TO-BLANK S
It seems to me that if the letter is now correct you should change the above section to match the letter layout format. Restart the pc_server to have the changes take effect.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013