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    Global Change to Fixed Field

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    What is the best method of making a global change of fixed fields in MARC format?
    I assume that p_manage_21 will not work for this.
    Should I create a script in /ABC60/tab/import/ and then generate input files that contain only the collections that I would like to have changed or is there an SQL statement that can be used?

    As you suggest, p_manage_21 cannot be used.

    SQL will not work because the data in the z00 is in Binary Long Object format and cannot be updated by SQL.
    You would need to do a SYS60/tab/import/ script.

    You can use either p_file_08 or p_manage_37 to execute the script.

    p_file_08 expects sequential input: you would need to export the records you want to change using p_print_03 and then import with p_manage_18.

    p_manage_37 may be easier: create the input file of record numbers and then run manage_37 with "FIX22" as the fix routine and this in tab_fix:

    ! 1 2 3
    FIX22 fix_doc_do_file_08 fix_008_byte_22

    Then create a fix_008_byte_22 file in the xxx01/tab/import directory:

    1 008 022 FIXED-CHANGE-VAL #,j

    (keywords: p-file-08 p-manage-37 p-print-03 p-manage-18 file_08 manage_37 print_03 manage_18)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013