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    Gray ALEPH screen prints

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    How can we print an ALEPH screen so that the grays don't show up? They use lots of toner over time.

    You can get rid of the gray (applies to versions 16 up) in several different ways.

    For example, to print out a window pane that has gray and white column headings such as the Order List, Item List, Full + Link Display, etc.:
    1. Set your printer configuration settings to Preview
    2. Put the focus on that pane
    3. Hit the F11 key. A printable preview will appear on your screen in a table form without any gray. Also, if you right-click with your mouse, a menu may open and allow you to export the screen into Microsoft Excel (If you have Microsoft Office2003 or Excel2003 installed, Windows recognizes the underlying data as XML format and Windows -- not Aleph -- gives the export into an Excel spreadsheet option).
    Note: If the list is long, scroll down all of the way to the bottom before to hitting the F11 key to make sure that all of the item information has been brought from the server.

    If you wish to print a screen that is all gray (Order Display, etc.):
    1. Put the focus on that pane
    2. Right-click and export into Excel. You can print the all-gray screens by hitting Ctrl + P with that pane in focus, but this will include the gray. There is no Preview of this screen even if the printer configuration is set to Preview.


    Set your browser to NOT print background colors. For example, in Internet Explorer, select Tools menu > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Printing section (more than 1/2 way down) > remove the check if the "Print background colors and images" checkbox is checked.


    The systems librarian can change the CSS style used to display the content so that the backgrounds are lighter or all white and printing will always use less toner.
    In ./XXX50/pc_display_eng/style-css, changing all the "background-color" lines to "background-color:#FFFFFF;" will make all the backgrounds white.

    font-family:Tahoma, Helvetica, serif;

    font-family:Tahoma, Helvetica, serif;

    font-family:Tahoma, Helvetica, serif;

    Additional Information

    printing, faq

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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