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    Holdings 852 fields from p-file 96?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Which table is used by file-96 to create a holdings record ?

    In order for the 852 to be created in the HOL record by "Generic Vendor Loader (file-96), the BIB record must have fields 050/090, and tab100 of the HOL library must have CREATE-852-HOL=Y.

    If there is no 050/090 in BIB, the 852 in HOL is not created at all.

    When there is 050/090, the 852 is created with $$b and $$c from the tab_96_def Z30 definitions, and $$h and $$i from 050/090 $$a and $$b of the BIB record. No additional setting other than mentioned in step 1 is needed.

    The tab_mapping is not used by p-file-96.

    The service Advanced Generic vendor loader (file-90), is using xxx50/tab/tab_mapping for HOL tags creation.

    Regarding the Create Holdings and Item Records Using Bibliographic Data (manage-50) and Enhanced (manage-500) - these services are using the mapping tables that allow configuration of any data from the BIB to be mapped to the HOL 852.

    Note that manage-50 creates the HOL record in the database, while manage-500 creates a file with HOL record, which has to be loaded to the database.

    • Article last edited: 10/17/2013