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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Holdings for ITM and ANA links don't display in Web

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Despite the fact that bib record xxx has an LKR ANA field linking it to bib record yyy or an LKR ITM field linking it to the items of ADM record zzz, no holdings display in the Web for bib record xxx.

    What field are you using for the holdings display? If it's the PST, then you will need to add an expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2 line to the WEB-FULL section of the bib library's tab_expand. (This would be placed immediately after the "expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b".)

    Other expanded holdings fields (such as ITM1, ITM3, etc.) are automatically set up to include linked items. In the case of an ITM link, does the zzz ADM record to which you are pointing actually have z30 records? Or, in the case of an ANA link, does the ADM record to which the yyy bib record is linked actually have z30 records? If not, no Holdings/Location field will display.

    If these are OK, then check to verify that the proper z103 links exist: both the LKR ITM and the LKR ANA generate z103 ITM links. (The location/holdings expand programs look for these z103s and won't work without them.) This query should give results: SQL> select Z103_REC_KEY, Z103_REC_KEY_1 from z103 where Z103_LKR_TYPE = 'ITM' and Z103_REC_KEY like 'EXU01000000xxx%'; (where EXU01000000xxx is the bib record into which you have entered the ITM or ANA LKR field).

    If this query finds there are no ITM z103's for this bib, then try resending the bib to the server using util f/13; check to see if there's any error on the write of the z103s....

    The documents "How to Create Links Between BIB Records", "Cataloging Training", and "Creating an Analytic record in the Cataloging Module" discuss ITM and ANA links. The document "How to Use Location Expands" talks about the expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b and _b2.

    Additional Information

    holdings, ITM, ANA, links, Web

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013