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    Hourly loans due after midnight made due at next morning's opening hour instead of today's closing hour

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    Hourly loans (such as those for Course Reserve items) whose prospective due time is after midnight are due at the next morning's opening hour instead of the current day's closing time. See Additional Information below for an example.

    As noted in the tab16 header: "When choosing '0' or '1', if the due hour is after closing and before 23:59:59, the due hour will change to the closing time of the same day. If the due hour is in the next day (after 00:00:01), the due hour will change to the opening time of the following day."

    The following steps are necessary in order to accommodate cases where the prospective due hour is after midnight and needs to be adjusted to a time before midnight, such as 22:00.

    1. Save the existing tab16 as "tab16.normal".

    2. Create a copy of tab16 as "tab16.late" with "A" (actual time) in Column 8, and "2200" in column 9.

    3. Add the following entries (with the correct full paths) to the $alephe_tab/job_list for the days on which it is necessary:

    xx 20:00:00 N cp /exlibris/aleph/u2n_n/xxx50/tab16.late /exlibris/aleph/u2n_n/xxx50/tab16
    xx 20:00:01 Y p_cir_01.late.log XXX50 p_cir_01 XXX50

    xx 00:00:00 N cp /exlibris/aleph/u2n_n/xxx50/tab16.normal /exlibris/aleph/u2n_n/xxx50/tab16
    xx 00:00:01 Y p_cir_01.normal.log XXX50 p_cir_01 XXX50

    Additional Information

    Example: The Closing time is 10:00 PM (22:00). The next day's opening time is 8:00 AM. The loan period is three hours.
    Items checked out between 19:01 and 21:00, whose prospective due times are between 22:01 and 24:00, are adjusted to be due at 22:00, but items checked out between 21:01 and 22:00 are made due at 8:00 AM the next morning.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    • Article last edited: 5/12/2014