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    How are Z305-records handled in UEX 17-18?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    How are Z305-records handled in UEX 17-18?

    Because of the new "local patron concept" in ALEPH 18 only multi-ADM-sites, that are using USER-SHARING in tab100 may have ALEPH-records in Z305. ALEPH-sites without USER-SHARING should not have any ALEPH-record in ALEPH 18.

    The role of the "old" ALEPH-records (in pre-18-versions) have been taken over by the XXX50-record in the local ADM. This record is now automatically created whenever a new local patron record is created.

    Therefore step 1015 in UEX 17-18 is doing the following:
    - If a patron have had no XXX50-record in the old ALEPH-version, the UEX will change the "sublibrary" of the ALEPH-record to XXX50.
    - If a patron have had already a XXX50-record, the UEX will delete the ALEPH-record.

    So after step 1015 all patrons should have a XXX50-record but there should be no ALEPH-record in Z305 anymore.
    Step 1015 will also update the tables tab_sub_library.lng and tab31 accordingly in order to replace all occurences of ALEPH to XXX50.

    Therefore after the upgrade you will have exactly the same functionality as before. Please note that usually in ALEPH 18 you should not create manually ALEPH-records anymore.

    ALEPH-sites with multi-ADM, that are using USER-SHARING and that want to use the optional feature to have ALEPH-records in ALEPH 18 (for example to use the PDQ-functionalities) may after the upgrade create ALEPH-records in the usr_library for all their existing patrons using p_cir_83.

    Additional Information

    patron, z305, upgrade

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013