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    How can I change text and margin on printouts?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 3

    How can I change text and margin on printouts?

    To change or remove existing text or define different margins on printouts from Alephino, please proceed as follows:

    - To change or remove existing text, open the file marctext.eng in the directory \etc of your Alephino server installation and search for the desired text element, e.g. "purchase".

    T513 = 'we would like to place an order for the items of the following list. '

    The text within the inverted comma may be up to 191 characters long (the rest will be cut off), on the printout resp. the e-mail the line will be broken.

    The thus found text placeholder "T..." could now be used to remove the text by deactivating the relevant line in the print format definition. To find the relevant line, simply search for the placeholder in the file. Once you found the line, you can deactivate it with a * at the beginning.

    The print files for the different applications can be found in the directory \etc of your Alephino server installation.

    -printcat.ext for printouts from the cataloging module (incl. search-tab and item control-tab)
    -printacq.ext for printouts from acquisitions
    -printcir.ext for printouts from circulation
    -printcsh.ext for cash printouts
    -printmarc.ext for MARC-specific printouts

    Example: removing the line " 'Sum of overdue fees: ... EUR" from the circulation claim letter.

    1. Search for "overdue fees" in the file marctext.eng.
    T289 = 'Sum of overdue fees: '

    2. Search for "T289" in the file printcir.ext.
    * Claim letter footer
    TAG=F01,BEFORE=T289,AFTER=T285 << deactivate line with *

    Please note: This simple procedure is only possible if the placeholder is used for only one format in the print format definitions, i.e. if it is found in the files printcir.ext resp. printacq.ext (etc.) only once!

    - To change or remove existing text or define different fonts on printouts from Alephino, please edit the xsl-stylesheet for the printout (background: the printouts are printed via the browser. For this, internally, the print file is transformed to the html-format). To find out which stylesheet is used, look at the parameter STYLE= in the relevant print definition file. E.g. if you want to change the reminder letters, you will find the definitions in the file ../etc/printcir.ext: for the reminder letters, the parameter says STYLE=bor_account. The xsl-stylesheets for the printouts can be found in the directory ../etc/xslt/. In our example, the xsl-stylesheet for the reminder letters would be bor_account.xsl. In this file, you can change margins and fonts.

    - To change or remove existing text or define different margins on printouts from Alephino, please change the settings of the Internet Explorer at the PC where the printouts are printed: Menue “File” / Setup page ? “Margins” (top/bottom/left/right).

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/17/2013