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    How can I get listing of duplicate ISBN's across two separate ADMs?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I have an ADM (BZW50) that wants to know how many of their titles are duplicated in an ADM that is located in the same city (LEA). I have tried using the ret-10 to cross datasets containing sets limited by each OWN code but it appears it compares system numbers so that did not produce any results. Do you have suggestions on how to accomplish either from a canned report or an sql statement?

    Many records lack ISBN. The following SQL should give you what you want:

    abc01@aleph16> select unique z13_rec_key, z13_title from z13, z103 where z13_rec_key = substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) and z103_rec_key_1 like 'ABC01%' and
    substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) in (select
    substr(z103_rec_key,6,9) from z103 where z103_rec_key like 'BZW50%') and
    substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) in (select
    substr(z103_rec_key,6,9) from z103 where z103_rec_key like 'LEA50%');


    If you build the z00r, you could use that and list the OCLC#:

    abc01@aleph16> select unique Z00R_TEXT from z00r, z103 where z00r_field_code like '035%' and z00r_doc_number = substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) and z103_rec_key_1 like 'ABC01%' and
    substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) in (select
    substr(z103_rec_key,6,9) from z103 where z103_rec_key like 'BZW50%') and
    substr(z103_rec_key_1,6,9) in (select
    substr(z103_rec_key,6,9) from z103 where z103_rec_key like 'LEA50%');

    The above SQLs are for the specific purpose of identifying holdings for two specific ADMs in a single BIB / multi-ADM situation.

    You suggest: "... I'll need to do something similar with titles from an external file".

    That's different. In that case, I think you should use p_manage_36 ("Check Input File Against Database") to locate matches.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013