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    How can I remove unwanted pickup locations in ILL request form?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    * When a user with ILL-unit 'XYZ' submits an ILL request via the OPAC, he is presented with a list of 4 pickup locations
    A, B, C and D
    * it's strange that C figures in this list since it is not defined in $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.lng. Nor in tab27.
    * A & B are reading rooms defined for one of our sublibs. However in the context of an ILL request they are basically irrelevant.

    Is there a way of leaving A, B and C out of the list so that patrons are not confused?


    The pickup locations are not defined in configuration tables on the server but in the internal partner record of the ILL Unit.
    Please go to the partner record of the ILL Unit 'XYZ' , select tab "3. Borrowing ILL Unit" and uncheck the sublibraries in the Pickup Sublibraries list that you don't want to be displayed in the pickup locations list in the ILL request form.

    Category: ILL2 (500)

    Subject: OPAC-ILL (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013