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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    How do I find out how many items were checked out in a given period

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    How can I determine how many items (books, reports, etc) were checked out in a year. I've run reports called loans but the numbers don't seem right. What is the definition of a "loan" in your statistics?

    Where do I count the items checked in without being checked out (counting items used in the library).

    Are you running the p_cir_04 Loan Report? That report's main purpose is to locate items overdue for more than x days. It counts the loans whose *due date* is between x and y.

    I suspect you want a count of loans whose *loan* date is (or was) between x and y. The service you want to use for that purpose is the Statistics -> General Circulation Statistics (cir-30) report. This report gives you a count of loans whose loan date was between x and y.

    Neither of these reports includes "in-house use". For that, see KB 8192-2759

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013