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    How do I populate the Department drop down list in Staff Privileges?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Since we upgraded to version 19, I've never had any options in the drop down list of Departments under Staff Privileges --User Password Information--, even though I have set up a list of departments (new field under the Modify User section).

    I've just re-checked the documentation (Systems Lib Guide - Staff Privileges), which I now see says to add this to the STAFF-DEPARTMENT section of tab_exp_own.lng. That doesn't seem to make any sense, as this table doesn't have sections.

    I had originally added my department list to pc_tab_exp_field.eng, which is also what I see as an example in the same USM50 table. But I find that, even so, the Department dropdown is blank.

    The documentation is wrong (it needs to go in pc_tab_exp_field.eng *not* tab_exp_own.eng) and has been corrected.

    As far as the Department dropdown still being empty.... The dropdown values which are displayed are those of the STAFF-DEPARTMENT lines in the pc_tab_exp_field.eng of the library you are connected to. Each BIB and ADM library has its own pc_tab_exp_field.eng. You can place whatever values you want in each.

    If you are multi-ADM and want to force the administrator to use the Department values for the appropriate ADM library, you can omit the STAFF-DEPARTMENT lines from the bib library pc_tab_exp_field.eng.

    If you are single-ADM and want to permit update of the Privileges from either BIB or ADM, you can include the lines in both libraries' pc_tab_exp_field.eng.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013