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    How does the Ex Libris Backup Package connect to the Oracle database that it is supposed to back up?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph


    How does the Ex Libris Backup Package connect to the Oracle database that it is supposed to back up?


    The Ex Libris Backup Package uses the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) to back up Oracle databases.
    The Backup Package calls the RMAN Client which in turn connects to the target database (the database that is supposed to be backed up) via the Oracle Listener.

    In order to start a backup one needs to call the main script of the Backup Package (./backup/scripts/exec_backup_main) with a parameter that specifies the backup type.
    The script exec_backup_main looks up that parameter in the file ./backup/conf/bkp_init.dat and determines the backup type.

    Currently the Backup Package can make the following types of Oracle database backups (corresponding parameters given in the fist column):

    a1 ora_cold
    a2 ora_hot0
    a3 ora_hot1
    a4 ora_archive

    d1 ora_cold
    d2 ora_hot
    d3 ora_archive

    m1 ora_cold
    m2 ora_hot
    m3 ora_archive

    p1 ora_cold
    p2 ora_hot0
    p3 ora_hot1
    p4 ora_archive

    v1 ora_cold
    v2 ora_hot
    v3 ora_archive

    From the specified backup type the script exec_backup_main determines the following information:

    As which UNIX user it calls the RMAN Client: this is the UNIX user that owns the software of the Ex Libris product.

    Aleph ---> UNIX user aleph

    As which database user the RMAN Client connects to the database: this is the database user which belongs to a certain Ex Libris product and has the privilege sysdba.

    Aleph ---> database user aleph_dba

    A Connect Identifier which specifies the target database: this is the value of the environment variable $<product>_db of the UNIX user which owns the Ex Libris software.

    Aleph ---> environment variable $aleph_db

    The RMAN Client looks up the Connect Identifier in the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and receives a Connect Descriptor which includes the information that is necessary to connect to the target database.

    Full name of server where Oracle database is located:

    $ echo $aleph_db

    In this Case the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora needs to include the following entry which links the Connect Identifier aleph_prod.aleph22 to a Connect Descriptor:

    (host= aleph_prod)

    • Article last edited: 7/17/2014