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    How does the Upgrade Express course_adm.conf file get created/populated?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Site ran their Production v18-19 Upgrade Express on Saturday 23 May. They were using upgrade_express_1801_1901.tar.1.09.

    The 1012 and 1013 steps ran in a couple seconds but did not indicate that any libraries were processed -- and, in fact, did not do anything. On their test server (also with 1801_1901.tar.1.09), these steps ran correctly.

    The current_libraries.conf and current_course_libraries.conf on Prod had correct values, but there was no course_adm.conf file. I copied the course_adm.conf file from Test to Prod and then the 1012 and 1013 steps ran correctly.

    I'm concerned that other sites could have this same problem.

    How is the course_adm.conf file created/populated? Why might this not have happened on Prod?

    If you have Course Reading/Reserves, a ./conf/course_adm.conf file showing the ADM library for each Course library must be generated. In order to generate this file, you must enter the course libraries using the "Update upgrade parameters" -- "Update Course Reading Definition" option. If you update the current_course_libraries.conf file directly, it will not be generated.

    Therefore, the following note has been added to the 18-19 Upgrade Express document:

    "Note that defining/updating the parameters not by the Util might cause problems when running the UE steps. The proper way is to define/update the upgrade parameters using the Utility."

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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