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    How long can Web Find, Browse, and Direct index searches be?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    How many characters from an input string are actually used in performing a search?

    1. The length for the (Words) Find is 500 bytes. (The length of the FIND-REQUEST variable in the various www_f_find... programs is 500 bytes.) Searches containing more than 500 characters get the message "Error parsing find request".

    2. Prior to version 17, the length of the SCAN-ACC Browse is 80 bytes. (The length of the SCAN-DATA and SCAN-START variables in the www_f_scan program is 80 bytes). Though alphabetized headings will display in the correct order up to the full 2000-byte z01_display_text length, it is only the first 80 bytes of the search string which are used in the initial positioning of the Browse. In version 17, this is changed so that up to 2000 characters can be entered in and used by an ACC Browse.

    3. For all versions, including version 17, the length of a SCAN-IND Direct index Browse is 80 bytes. {The Z11-FILING-TEXT is 80 bytes and the Z11-TEXT is 40 bytes. (This has to with the possibility of "double-byte" filing text.) In any case, it is only the first 40 bytes of the number which will be stored in the Z11 record and be searchable.}

    Additional Information

    length, input string, search, Find, Browse, Direct Index

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013