How to Add jobs to the job_list
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I run ret_01 and and then print_01 every Sunday morning in order to make a list of all records entered into the catalog the previous week and then print them out. How can I have this run automatically every week?
You can do this by using the job_list functionality.
You can enter p_ret_01 and p_print_01 to run Sunday morning and have both of them sent to the queue (Y in column 3).
In column 1 put "00" which is Sunday.
In column 2 put 07:00:00 (or whatever time you want)
In column 3 put Y so it will be entered in queue (and thus p_print_01 will start only when p_ret_01 finishes)
In column 5 put the library name
In column 6 put the job name (in this case p_print_01 or p_ret_01)
In column 7 put the parameters of the job. To get the parameters of the job see the log file in $alephe_scratch, specifically the "start" line
a16(1) >>cd $alephe_scratch
a16(1) >>grep start usm01_p_ret_01.00135
start USM01,,library_science,000000000,999999999,,00,00000000,99999999,00000000,99999999,,AND,650##,a,library^sciencd,library^sciencf,,,,,00000000,99999999,
a16(1) >>grep start usm01_p_print_01.00136
start USM01,library_science,library_science.out,ENG,002,00,
The above parameters are then entered into column
00 07:00:00 Y USM01 p_ret_01 USM01,,library_science,000000000,999999999,
00 07:00:00 Y USM01 p_print_01 USM01,library_science,library_science.out,ENG,002,00,
When this finished, you should kill and reactivate the job demon via util E 15
See also, the Aleph Configuration Guide (on the Doc Portal).
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013