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    How to Open a New LIbrary: Synchronize Library File Headers recommends util/h/3

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I'm in the process of opening a new course reserves library (ABC31).

    Per the instructions in the document "How to Open a New LIbrary", v. 20.0, I went through the preparatory steps and ran the activation script. When going through the "Actions after activation" (section 4), I ran into a question.

    4.1, Synchronize Library File Headers recommends using util/h/3. However, h/3 is for synchronizing alephe headers. h/2 is the option for syncing library file headers. I don't believe any of the steps I'd taken before were significant enough to merit running h/3, so I ran h/2 instead.

    Is this an error in the documentation, or should I have also (or instead) sync-ed the alephe file headers.

    The document "How to Open a New Library - 20.pdf" has been corrected.

    Page 12, in the section 4.1 - the recommendation was updated - to use UTIL/H/2 .

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013