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    How to operate with multiple time zones: sublibrary level? or multi-ADM?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    We are possibly opening a new 'branch' in another time zone (several hours away.) The documentation talks about a tab100 setting when your server is in a different time zone from the ADM library - is that the only way to do it i.e. become multi-ADM? Or is it possible to have just a sublibrary in a different time zone, in the same ADM library? [

    Your assumption is correct. At the moment there is only the possibility to assign different time zones per ADM, as stated in the header of tab100:

    !# Values: Default: +00
    !# Type: Text; Max Length: 03
    !# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.
    ! This variable is used to set the "current time" of a library in relation
    ! to the server time. The variable's format is a two digit number, prefixed by
    ! either a '+' sign or a '-'sign. The number is the difference in hours between
    ! the server time and the time zone of the ADM library, and the sign sets whether
    ! the ADM library is ahead (+) or behind (-) the server time.
    ! This adjustment affects circulation-related activities in an ADM library.

    There is no way of assigning different time zones on sub library level in one ADM.

    Note: an enhancement request has been created for this.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013