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    How to Use Print daemon and job_list Together

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    How can I have the report automatically printed to my default printer?
    Now it goes to $data_print directory of my bibliographic library.

    1. Choose menu in GUI: ALEPH > Task Manager > Print Daemon > Setup
    2. In field "print id to add" put a print id in lowercase letters, for example your name
    3. Click "add" then click "close"
    4. In upper pane, check the new print id (you can also use an existing print id)
    5. In lower pane, check libraries for which you want this print daemon to work
    6. Click activate
    7. In column 4 of the job_list, put the name of your print id. For example, if it is "jimmy" then the line in job_list will be as follows:
    00 13:44:00 Y jimmy USM01 p_print_01 USM01,library_science,library_science.out,ENG,002,00,
    Column 4 is defined as "target".
    8. When job runs the print output file will automatically go to default printer of PC in which "jimmy" print id has been activated.

    Note: For the print daemon to work the PC must be on, and the print daemon must be running. You can run the print daemon as described above or by double clicking the file AL500/alephcom/bin/printd.exe

    Also, when you print from the GUI services you can put "jimmy" in print id and it will also automatically print to default printer.

    The file will then not be in $data_print. After it goes to printer, ALEPH copies it to a directory called $data_print/save-2005-02-14/ (with real date)

    Additional Information

    Print daemon, job_list

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013