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    How to cancel the GUI Circ return process

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We want setup that the "Return" in the circulation module can be canceled if some message come up (multiple pieces in a item) . For example, if the return notes come up, Library staff can decide to continue to return or cancel the return. I have tried to change message.dat. to have pop up message with the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. But when click on the "Cancel" , the item still returned.

    ReturnNote #Item Return OC 2 A This item has the following note attached\n\n%s

    Header of message.dat
    ! 1) ID - 30
    ! 2) Title - 20
    ! 3) Buttons - 3 O-OK(default) OC-OK/Cancel YN-Yes/No YNC-Yes/No/Cancel
    ! 4) Default Button - 1 1(default) 2 3
    ! 5) Icon - 1 E-Exclamation(default) A-Asterisk H-Hand I-Info Q-Question S-Stop
    ! 6) Message - 255

    My testing shows that the deletion of the z36 loan record (its change to a z36h loan history record) has already occurred at the point where the item Circulation Note displays. Thus, the note is strictly informative.

    There is no function in the system which takes a loan history record and recreates the loan from it. Thus, a "Return-cancellation" restore of the loan is not feasible.

    In order for such a "Return-cancellation" option to work, the program would need to be changed so that the Circulation Note message displays *before* the return occurs. That would be an enhancement request.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013