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    How to change Z3950 record retrieval limit

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When we query our Aleph Z3950 server, we can retrieve a maximum of 1000 records for a specific search. How can we raise this limit ? What table settings do we have to change?

    This limit is actually the same as the limit used on searches done in the GUI. The default is 1000 hits. This can be increased to a value up to 20000. The parameter (set_result_set_limit) is set in the pc_server_defaults table, located in $alephe_root. This environmental variable would look like this, for example:

    setenv set_result_set_limit 5000

    This would raise the limit to 5000. If you don't currently have an entry for set_result_set_limit in your table, the default is being used.

    You should be aware that increasing will have an effect on performance for both the z39_server and the pc_server, so you should do some testing if you plan to increase it.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013