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    How to create SQL script, include in job_list

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    How can I create an SQL script and include it in the job_list?

    1. Create a subdirectory in $alephe_root and "vi" the script. For example, here is $alephe_root/jerrys/test.sql which prints a list of yesterday's loans:

    set echo off
    set pause off
    set term off
    set show off
    set verify off
    set heading off
    set feed off

    spool test.lst
    select to_char (sysdate-1,' "Date: "Day, Month dd yyyy') from dual;
    set feed on
    select z36_id, z36_rec_key from z36
    where z36_loan_date = TO_CHAR (SYSDATE-1,'YYYYMMDD')
    order by z36_id, z36_rec_key;
    spool off

    2. To execute the script:

    > cd $alephe_root/jerrys
    > s+ usm50
    SQL> @test.sql

    The output will be written as test.lst in $alephe_root/jerrys.

    3. To include the script in job_list:

    W2 04:45:00 N testsqljs sqlplus USM50/USM50 @/exlibris/aleph/u20_2/alephe/jerrys/test.sql

    The output will be written in $alephe_scratch.

    For more sophisticated services see How To - Miscellaneous - Custom Services on the Doc Portal.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013