How to increase the maximum sort?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18 and up
Currently there is a maximum sort of 1000 records for short display of bibliographic records:
Results for Words= ...
Records 1 - 10 of nnnn (maximum sort is 1000 records)
How do we increase it to 5000 records?
The "maximum sort is nnnn records" text is coming from this line in ./www_f_eng/short-include-2:
Records $0100 -$0200 of $0300 (maximum sort is $4500 records)
The $4500 variable is actually the displayed result set. Thus, this should be changed to:
Records $0100 -$0200 of $0300 (maximum of $4500 are displayed)
- Article last edited: 12-July-2016